The Government of Kenya through the Ministry of Public Works intends to invite tenders for the following projects:-
1. Completion of West Park Housing Phase IA Project.
2. Proposed Completion of Government Quarters-Karen-Nairobi
In this regard, therefore. Contractors who are registered in Category 'A' in the Current Building register are invited for prequalification.
Interested Contractors who must be registered in the relevant Category may obtain the prequalification document from Ministry of Public Works Headquarters, 4th floor room 412 in person, or against written application. A non-refundable fee of Kshs. 5,000/- is to be paid in cash at the Cash Office before 4.00pm on normal working days or in banker's cheque payable to the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Public Works, Nairobi.
The prequalification document should be addressed to:
The Chief Quantity Surveyor
Ministry of Public Works
P. O. Box 30743
And placed in the Tender Box on 5th floor Works Building, Ngong Road - Nairobi, or sent by post so as to reach the above address not later than Wednesday the 4th day of February 2009 at 10.00am.
Submitted bids will be opened publicly in the Conference Room 5th floor, Works Building, soon after the above stated closing date and time in the presence of the tenderers or their representatives who choose to attend. Late bids will be returned unopened.
M.A. Nyakiongora
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